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发布时间:2024-06-24     浏览量:

2024 Summer School for Climate Change and Systemic Risk Governance

Announcement (3rd round)




北京师范大学(Beijing Normal University)

承办单位(Local Organizers

应急管理部-教育部 减灾与应急管理研究院(Academy of Disaster Reduction and Emergency Management, Ministry of Emergency Management & Ministry of Education

北京师范大学地理科学学部(Faculty of Geographical Science, Beijing Normal University)

环境演变与自然灾害教育重点实验室(Key Laboratory of Environmental Change and Natural Disaster, Ministry of Education

北京师范大学珠海校区文理学院(Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Beijing Normal University at Zhuhai)


北京师范大学综合灾害风险管理创新引智基地(Hazard and Risk Science Base at Beijing Normal University)

综合风险防范项目(FE/ISC-Integrated Risk Governance Project)

国际灾害风险科学学报(英文)》编辑部(Editorial Office of the International Journal of Disaster Risk Science)

中国地理学会自然灾害风险与综合减灾专业委员会(Committee on Natural Disaster and Integrated Risk Reduction, the Geographical Society of China)

二、授课主题(Topic Fucus

l 国际综合风险防范理论与实践最新进展(Recent progress in international integrated risk governance: theory and practice)

l 全球气候变化风险与极端天气气候事件(Global climate change risks and extreme weather events)

l 全球气候变化影响风险与适应气候变化转型风险(Global climate change impact risks and climate change adaptation, risk transition)

l 灾害风险普查与灾害数据库系统建设(Disaster risk survey and disaster database system construction)

l 新技术与新理论在综合风险防范中的应用(Application of new technologies and theories in integrated risk governance)

l 中国珠三角地区灾害风险防范案例分析(Case studies of disaster risk governance in Chinas Pearl river delta region)

l 粤港澳大湾区灾害风险防范示范基地考察(Field trip: visiting the disaster risk governance demonstration bases in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area)

三、时间、地点(Time & Venue)

l 时间(Time):

2024年7月15-26日(15-26 July, 2024)

l 地点(Venue):


Beijing Normal University at Zhuhai(No. 18, Jinfeng Road, Xiangzhou District, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China

四、初步课程Preliminary Course Structure

Week I: 15-19, July, 2024

Monday (15 July)

Tuesday (16 July)

Wednesday (17 July)

Thursday (18 July)

Friday (19 July)


Opening ceremony and group photo

9:50-10: 50

Progress of DRR in China

Prof. Guoguang ZHENG

9:00 – 10:30

Understanding global climate change

Prof. Wenjie DONG

9:00 – 10:30

What can Geography do to meet the new challenges of DRR

Prof. Min CHEN

9:00 – 10:30

System science: A primer

Prof. Zengru DI

Field trip to Shenzhen


Application of 3S, AI and big data in DRR

Prof. Peng GONG


History Has Its Future

Prof. Michael GLANTZ

11:00-12: 30

Recent progress in international integrated risk governance: Theory and practice

Prof. Peijun SHI

11:00-12: 30

System science: A primer

Prof. Zengru DI


Shenzhen Technology Institute of Urban Public Safety


Getting to know each other: Self-introduction


Global climate change impact risks and climate change adaptation, risk transition (I)

Prof. Guoyi HAN


National disaster risk survey in China

Prof. Peijun SHI


Global delta: Call for a UN convention (I)

Prof. Michael GLANTZ


Urban Planning and Design Institute of Shenzhen (UPDIS)


Introduction to IJDRS and discussion

Prof. Ying LI and Prof. Guoyi HAN


Global climate change impact risks and climate change adaptation, risk transition (II)

Prof. Guoyi HAN


Group discussion and reflection: Communication among youth for DRR

Mr. Robert ROSS


Global delta: Call for a UN convention (II)

Prof. Michael GLANTZ

Week II: 22-26, July, 2024

Monday (22 July)

Tuesday (23 July)

Wednesday (24 July)

Thursday (25 July)

Friday (26 July)


Catastrophe Risk Modeling (I)

Prof. Weihua FANG


Application of new technologies and theories in integrated risk governance (I)

Prof. Wanglin YAN


Global climate and tropical cyclone risk assessment (I)

Dr. Laiyin ZHU


Group discussion on climate change and systemic risk governance

Profs Guoyi HAN and Lu JIANG


Group report


Catastrophe Risk Modeling (II)

Prof. Weihua FANG


Application of new technologies and theories in integrated risk governance (II)

Prof. Wanglin YAN


Global climate and tropical cyclone risk assessment (II)

Dr. Laiyin ZHU


Group report

14:30 – 16:00

Systemic risk modeling (I)

Prof. Saini YANG

14:30 – 16:00

Climate change and household energy consumption


14:30 – 17:30

Visiting the Zhuhai Planning Exhibition Hall

14:30 – 16:00

Group discussion on multiple hazards (cascading and compound events) risk governance

Profs Guoyi HAN and Lu JIANG

14:30 – 16:00

Closing ceremony

16:30 – 17:30

Systemic risk modeling (II)

Prof. Saini YANG

16:30 – 17:30

Group work (self-organize)


Group work


Group work

五、邀请授课专家(Confirmed Key Experts

l Prof. Guoguang ZHENG, China Association for Disaster Prevention, China

l Prof. Wenjie DONG, Sun Yan-Sen University, China

l Prof. Peng GONG, University of Hongkong, China

l Prof. Peijun SHI, Beijing Normal University, China

l Prof. Michael GLANTZ, Colorado University (Boulder), USA

l Prof. Guoyi HAN, Stockholm Environment Institute, Sweden

l Prof. Wanglin YAN, Keio University, Japan

l Prof. Min CHEN, Nanjing Normal University, China

l Prof. Zengru DI, Beijing Normal University, China

l Prof. Ying LI, Beijing Normal University, China

l Prof. Weihua FANG, Beijing Normal University, China

l Prof. Saini YANG, Beijing Normal University, China

l Dr. Laiyin ZHU, Western Michigan University, USA

l Dr. Lu JIANG, Beijing Normal University (Zhuhai), China

l Mr. Robert ROSS, Colorado University (Boulder), USA

六、 相关事宜(Related Issues

l 授课语言(Language)

英语In English

l 住宿Accommodation


Zhuhai Hongsanyi Hotel(No.73 Jinyu Road, Tangjiawan, Xiangzhou District, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China

l 联系人(Contact)

秦老师Ms Qin):qinyj@bnu.edu.cn